Which One Are You?

To see beyond the reality of life and discover deeper meaning and beauty…

Mugilan Raju

Some will push me higher, while others will drag me down.

Some will soar with my thoughts, while others will crawl with my shadows.

Some will fill me up, pouring pieces of their own soul into me, while others will empty me with bitterness and their noise.

Some might say that I am a wordsmith, who lubricates words with a pen filled with my own seawater tears so I could write an ocean of love for her.

Others claim that I am a fraud, hiding in between lines.

Some might say that I am a narcotic in the rawest form, you can get high on my words, the kind of high you would get when stardust runs in your bloodstream and galaxies tangled in your mind.

Others claim that I am a drug dealer, and you are that drug addict who keeps coming back for more.

Some might say that…

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About dave94015

interested in alternative relationships, visual artist, erotic romance writer and reviewer of erotica, drug rehab clinic intern - early 30's
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